My colleagues and I we’re shocked to discover that Network Rail had authorised the felling of large, and historically important, trees along the ‘push-pull’ line in our area.
The line acts as a vital ‘green lung’ through our town and is home to large amounts of wildlife. Residents have indicated the presence of badgers, rare moths and a protected species of sloe-worm. As well as the trees and vegetation hosting wildlife it also protects our homes from noise, as well as increasing privacy. For decades, residents have been able to rely on enjoying their gardens.
On becoming aware of the felling we worked closely with the Andrew Rosindell’s office, to coordinate communication with Network Rail. We were encouraged to receive notification that the work would be halted.
Of major concern, to us, was the lack of a suitable resident’s consultation. Whilst one took place, it was not widely publicised, it took place at an unsuitable time, and it was only over a video call. We have also seen no evidence of a wildlife survey or a safety study to back up their claim that this work is needed.
Unfortunately, work appeared to begin the next day. We thank the residents and local reporters who were on site to document this. Work then appeared to halt.
It is impressive how the community has come together to save our environment; however the work does not stop when the workman down tools. Network Rail will continue to argue that the work is needed and we must maintain our pressure.
We are, therefore, making 3 demands of Network Rail.
To immediately halt work and to offer an apology to residents
Arrange a new public consultation, preferably in-person, at a suitable time. This must be more publicly promoted.
To be transparent and publish their environmental and safety studies, in an easily accessible format.
We will continue to monitor the situation, work closely with residents and the MP’s office, and to support you in putting pressure on Network Rail. We will also be working closely with Havering Council to urgently explore what options are available and we will publish more information on our website
Should you like to reach out to us, please email on or call 01708 766 700.
