I recently submitted a Freedom of Information Request to Havering Council, asking for copies of emails between Labour Leader Keith Darvill and HRA Leader Ray Morgon. I wanted emails where they discuss ULEZ.
Why? So we can see whether Havering was really ever going to fight Khan on ULEZ.
And boy, will the answer surprise you.
Or, maybe it won't.
I've put all the emails below, but here's what they show.
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Havering Labour Don't Oppose ULEZ
Well does this surprise anyone?
Keith Darvill (Labour Leader) wrote to Ray Morgon (HRA Leader) on 27th November. In his email, he pleaded with Ray to tone down the opposition to ULEZ saying
"The Labour Group believe that the introduction of the extension of ULEZ to outer London should be delayed"
Note they say delayed and not stopped
So at least we now have that in black and white. Havering Labour never opposed ULEZ in the first place. Now Ray Morgon has to keep Labour happy in order to keep his position as Leader of the Council. This is why he created a new cabinet post for Keith Darvill and it's clearly why Havering then took a softer approach to opposing ULEZ.
Labour clearly pull the strings in this coalition.

They want to work closer with Khan
This also shouldn't come as a surprise as every party wants to work closer with it's own senior elected officials. But, it shows Labour putting their party before Havering.
In his email, to Ray Morgon, Keith Darvill says:
"We we are keen to develop a closer relationship with the Mayor, the Deputy Mayors, and Assembly members"
" A strident message in our comms will make it more difficult to build the relationships which we believe are essential "
Again, this explains why Havering was so soft in our opposition to ULEZ.
This prioritising of party above residents is in stark contrast to local Conservatives. Romford MP, Andrew Rosindell, is openly lobbying the Prime Minister and Government. Despite the government already appearing to rule out over-turning ULEZ.
There comes a point in every politician's career when they must stand up for the residents before standing up for their party.
It seems that with ULEZ, both Labour and the HRA are willing to put a good relationship with Khan above fighting for the residents of Havering.
They gave up before the fight begun
In an email chain throughout August, Senior HRA councillors debated approaching other London Borough's to collaborate on a joint statement.
Graham Williamson (HRA / Independent) writes;
"Clearly, we need to contact these boroughs and indeed all outer boroughs to get them to sign, at least, a collaborative statement."
Not a bad suggestion Graham. We're stronger together.
Ray Morgon's reply? To bat away the idea as pointless.
"We could get to get a collaborative statement, although not sure what it will do in persuading the Mayor. I think that he pretty much knows that outer London will be against ULEZ"

The conclusion
There we have it. A tale of weak leadership, that puts relationships before principles.
Havering could have taken a stand and fought back against Khan, but we chose not to. I believe in good working relationships, but I also believe in fighting for my residents and fighting for what I believe in. I believe in being a strong opposition, not rolling over because I may want something from someone at a later date.
Labour clearly pulled the strings when it comes to Havering's ULEZ fight. Our Leader had clearly given up the fight. So much so that he batted away one of his own senior HRA colleagues.
Unfortunately our current conservative government at the very highest level are clearly distancing themselves from the ULEZ expansion and its significant adverse current and future effects for many families living within and travelling in to London. Just simple 'one liner' comments with zero action from our PM make it perfectly clear to me that HMG will be using TFL's ULEZ network within London as a 'freebie' Trojan Horse, ultimately for a more comprehensive national Pay Per Mile charging system. Thanks for all your efforts David
Thank you for this sterling research David which explains the sneering response to our petition from a Council assembly who purported to be anti-ulez. Fortunately there is still time for any party or Borough Council to join in the legal action being backed by 'Havering Against ULEZ' which would - amongst other things - prevent camera installation.